Blog  /  Computer Hardware Engineer: 27 Forums to Help You Raise Your Salary

Computer Hardware Engineer: 27 Forums to Help You Raise Your Salary

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If you're a computer hardware engineer, you should know that networking is essential for your growth, considering your job's nature.

It would be best to communicate with other hardware engineers like you to rub minds and share ideas relating to the job.

Online forums or discussion boards are perfect environments to connect with other engineers to exchange ideas or debate topics.

There's no doubt—joining an online engineering community can boost your skills and expand your network of experienced professionals.

You may even be lucky to meet mentors in your field that may guide you through your journey.

And that's why we've built a comprehensive list of the top 27 computer hardware engineering forums that can help raise your salary.

 Are you ready to see them? Keep reading!



The Top 27 Forums Every Computer Hardware Engineer Should Join to Raise Their Salary


Without further ado, we shall be going straight to the 27 computer hardware engineering forums. Also, you'll be getting extensive information on each forum listed here.


1. Computer Hardware Engineer-- Tom's Hardware Forums




Source -


About Forum +Follow


Tom's Hardware Forums is an online community where you can exchange ideas.

What if you have questions?

You'll get accurate answers thanks to the platform's experienced engineers.

Tom's Hardware online forum has been around for a long time. The platform boasts of delivering unbiased reviews. And they do reviews for various hardware.

There's more.

On the forum, you'll find different people from all walks of life. They deliberate on critical discussions. The discussions may benefit you as an engineer.

Tom's Hardware Forums has a few negative comments. But the community is doing its best.




Tom's Hardware forum has over 2.8M followers.




Tom's Hardware forum posts at least five times per day.


Recommended Reason


Tom's Hardware forum is an excellent platform with experienced engineers. So, you'll get answers to the most challenging questions.


2. Computer Hardware Engineer-- Physics Forums






About Forum +Follow


You should check out Physics forums. That's if you love a platform with a sleek and easy scheme.

One glance at the platform, and you can tell that it's a science-based forum.

Are you looking for a community with tons of forums to choose from? Then, you should consider Physics Forums.

On the forum, there's a contribution between members. And if you go through threads, you'll feel a sense of oneness.


It's because the members are friendly and calm. If you have questions in physics or other topics, you'll get the right help.

It's not surprising, though. After all, the community has intelligent and competent users. Most of the users are:

  • Uni students
  • Scientists
  • Professors




There are over 200K members on Physics forums.




Physics forums publish a minimum of 2 posts every day.


Recommended Reason


It's one of the largest communities. And you can find high-quality science and math experts.


3. Computer Hardware Engineer-- Youth4work






About Forum +Follow


The first thing that hits you on the Youth4work forum’s home page is the tagline. It reads, "Building Assessed Talent Communities."

One thing is sure; we saw a ton of accolades for Youth4Work online. A good number of people online made claims about the platform. They said they had gotten good jobs via the forum.

Youth4work forum is an excellent place for hardware engineers. On the platform, engineers can develop their skill sets.

You'll find members on the forum willing to help with your questions.

At the forum's sidebar, you'll see two main categories. They are:

  1. Start a topic of Discussion Section – This section has three subsections.
  • Ask Anything – People discuss things related to Youth4work.
  • Discuss Youth Matters – In the subsection, people discuss things related to them. For instance, their company, career, or anything.
  • Discuss Company Matters – Members talk about their work. And their working environment.
  1. Answer and Debate Section – It has two subsections.
  • Answer and help others – in this section, you can answer questions. Or even counter discussions.
  • Discuss what you feel – You can click on any topic to discuss.



Youth4work forum has over 18.7K members.




They aren't consistent in posting videos. But members post questions and get answers at least once a month.


Recommended Reason


It's an excellent platform to get advice. Plus, you can ask questions about job recruitment.


4. Computer Hardware Engineer-- Spiceworks Forums/Hardware


About Forum +Follow


Spiceworks Forums is the Tom Cruise of online hardware communities.

It's the only listing on this post that has twenty-five different hardware forums—serving diverse users.

Generally, the Spiceworks Forum/Hardware forum is one of the key forums from loads of others available in the community.

And If you truly want to raise your salary, the Spiceworks forum’s hardware section is the perfect platform to join.




The Spiceworks Forums/Hardware publishes a minimum of five posts per day.


Recommended Reason


Spiceworks Forums/Hardware has a ton of categories, which give engineers a wider opportunity to learn different skills, all in one place.

In this post, we'll be listing the different forums under the Spiceworks community.


4.1 Acer Hardware +Follow  (106K followers)






4.2 AMD Hardware +Follow (8.6K followers)






4.3 Apple +Follow (668K followers.)






4.4 ASUS Hardware +Follow (19.8K followers)






4.5 Data Centers +Follow (975K followers)






4.6 Dell Hardware +Follow (1.3M followers)






4.7 Gateway Hardware +Follow (59K followers)






4.8 General Hardware  +Follow (992K followers )






4.9 HPE Hardware +Follow (1.3M followers)






4.10 HP Hardware +Follow (1.4M followers)






4.11 IBM Hardware +Follow (498K followers)






4.12 Intel Hardware +Follow (597K followers)






4.13 Intel vPro +Follow (6.4K followers)





4.14 Lenovo Hardware +Follow (473.7K followers)






4.15 Lexmark Printers +Follow (79.1K followers)






4.16 NVidia Hardware +Follow (9.4K followers)





4.17 Printers, Copiers, Scanners & Faxes  +Follow (335.2K followers)




A4.18 Samsung Products +Follow (257.1K followers)





4.19 Seagate Hardware +Follow (6.3K followers)





4.20 Server Hardware +Follow (325.6K followers)






4.21 Sony Hardware +Follow (361.2K followers)






4.22 Sun Microsystems Hardware +Follow  (4.8K followers)






4.23 Toshiba Hardware +Follow  (123K followers)





4.24 Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) +Follow (327.2K followers)





4.25 Xerox Hardware +Follow (215.3K followers)






5. Computer Hardware Engineer-- Tek-Tips Forums






About Forum +Follow runs the Tek-Tips Forums. It's a significant engineering blog. The platform caters to computer hardware engineers’ needs.

So, we aren't surprised that the platform is a smart work forum. The forum is for engineering and Information technology experts.

So, what do you get from Tek-Tips forums?

As an engineer enthusiast, you'll find different categories like:

  • Tech innovations
  • Problem-solving
  • And other stem topics that inspire engineering minds.

But that's not all.

When you subscribe to Tek-Tips Forums, you stand to gain a lot of benefits like:

  • Have intelligent discussions with other members
  • Get alert of responses to your questions in your private email.
  • Do Keyword Search
  • Get easy one-click access to your favorite threads and forums.
  • Free to join
  • Open to students




The number of followers on Tek-Tips Forums number is not available.




Tek-Tips Forums publishes a minimum of nine posts every day.


Recommended Reason


The community is resourceful to expert engineers. It's useful to mid-level hardware engineers as well. And it's because of its enterprise-based topics.


6. Computer Hardware Engineer-- Eng-Tips Forums






About Forum +Follow


Eng-Tips Forums is an interesting English-based knowledge market. It posts engineering-related questions that get answered.

Of course, their target audience is hardware engineering experts. And the forum uploading assignments or school projects. We're sorry if you were planning to do that.

On the forum, you'll find different engineering forums and threads. The members created the forum and threads.

The forum subject topics include various areas of engineering like:

  • Structural
  • Computer hardware
  • Aerospace
  • Mechanical

There's more.

As a forum member, you gain exclusive rights. So, you can flag down the platform. 

In other words, the forum gives power to its members.

You can mark a post as helpful. When you do that, you give stars to the post's creator. That way, the member is more relevant and reliable.

Overall, the forum has one striking feature. You can be anonymous on the platform.

Tecumseh group are the creators of the forum, and they started it in 1997.




The number of followers on the Eng-tips forum isn't available.




The Eng-tips forum posts a minimum of six posts every month.


Recommended reason


The community allows you to network with top engineering experts. That way, you'll benefit from shared ideas and useful advice.


7. Computer Hardware Engineer-- Techist Community Forums






About Forum +Follow


Techist community Forums focuses on modern devices. It also deals with high-performance computers.

But that's not all the forum offers.

There are various forums for topics related to the following:

  • Laptop and netbook opinions
  • Hardware configurations
  • Larger scale enterprise projects

Since the forum's existence, it has gotten about 3.3M messages. The platform has 383K threads with 105K members as well.

On the forum, there's a section called "What's New." In this section, members can get the latest topics. Plus, they can access activities trending on the platform.

And you can use the "search forums" feature under the forums section. It will help you find different topics.

You can also check the "new posts" section. In this segment, you'll see the replies and views for a particular post.




The Techist community has over 105K followers.




Members of the Techist upload a minimum of three posts every day.


Recommended Reason


Techist is a fantastic community to connect with tech geeks. And they are available to give quality answers to your questions.


8. Computer Hardware Engineer-- AnandTech Forums






About Forum +Follow 


AnandTech has grown to become a household name. And it has impressive statistics: 350,000 registered users and 35M posts.

The forum has various computing teams. It's collectively called "The Team" or "Team AnandTech." And it contains different subforums like:

  • ATOL (The casual environment of AnandTech Off-Topic)
  • Highly Technical Forum

Also, AnandTech runs various highly regulated eCommerce forums. The eCommerce forums are For Sale/For Trade and Hot Deals.

The AnandTech forum has undergone significant changes. And the event occurred in July 2007. At that time, the forum removed its profanity filter. 

There's more.

The platform revealed the identity of some people. And they were the old anonymous volunteer moderators.

But that wasn't all.

AnandTech restructured most of its sub-forums and the new ones as well.




Not available.




Anandtech publishes a minimum of five posts every month.


Recommended Reason


The Anandtech community forum is user-friendly. And it's a great place to get quality tech advice.


9. Computer Hardware Engineer-- TechSpot Forums






About Forum +Follow 


TechSpot is ideal if you're looking for a tech enthusiast community. It uploads hundreds of active discussions daily. Power computer users are part of the TechSpot forum's target.

TechSpot has over 1.7M messages and 213K threads with over 200K members.

But that's not all.

The forum has four different categories:

1. Community – This section contains five other subsections, namely:

  • TechSpot News and Comments
  • Ask a Question
  • General Discussion
  • Articles and Reviews Comments
  • User Guides & Reviews

2. TechSpot Core – This section has ten subsections:

  • Networking
  • Graphics Cards
  • Internet & Web Culture
  • Build a PC
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Storage
  • CPUs and Motherboards
  • Laptops and Tablets
  • Smartphones
  • PC Gaming

3. Software – This section has the following subsections:

  • Apple Mac and iOS
  • Virus and Malware Removal
  • Linux
  • Apps & Software
  • Windows

Meta – This category has only one section. The segment is "Site Feedback and Suggestions."




TechSpot has over 200K followers.




Members of TechSpot upload at least three posts every day.


Recommended reason


It's a great place to get insights about new technology. And you'll get recent information from engineering experts.


10. Computer Hardware Engineer-- HardwareZone Forums






About Forum +Follow


HardwareZone first emerged in 1998, long after other online bulletin board groups sprouted. Nonetheless, it has proven to be a reputable community for many hardware engineers over the years.

It's clear to all that HardwareZone's success over the years is beyond mere luck. Instead, it's a matter of persistence by the Singaporean founders who have strived to ensure the forum is up and running.

Today, the forum has grown to create the perfect environment for hardware engineers and hard-core tech guys to converge.

The various forums in the community include:

  • Computer hardware reviews
  • Computer hardware price-lists
  • Technology news and happenings
  • Overclocking database




The HardwareZone forum has 754K members.




Members on the forum publish a minimum of 2 posts per day.


Recommended Reason


HardwareZone has a very user-friendly platform. And it's an excellent place to find quality engineering advice from top professionals.


11. Computer Hardware Engineer-- Digit Technology Discussion Forum






About Forum +Follow


XenForo is the company. It runs the Digit Technology Discussion Forum.

The forum allows its members to talk about everything tech.

But that's not all.

Digit Technology is a popular tech forum. And it features a ton of discussion threads on different tech topics.

The topics you'll find on the online community are:

  • Mobile Apps
  • Buying Advice
  • Mobile and Tablets
  • Technology News
  • CPU/Motherboards
  • Power Supply
  • Hardware Q&A
  • PC Components
  • Laptops and Netbooks
  • Audio
  • Game Consoles

No doubt, the forum is a great place to meet your geek peers.




Digit Technology Discussion forum has over 66K followers.




Members on the forum publish a minimum of three posts per day.


Recommended reason


Digit Technology Discussion forum is a great platform. You can get the latest tech news and advice from tech geeks.


12. Computer Hardware Engineer-- Tech Support Guy Forums






About Forum +Follow


Are you looking for a community that gives its members the power to post, join vital discussions, and deliberate?

Then you should consider checking out the Tech Support Guy community. It's a great place to find answers to questions that bug most hardware enthusiasts.

Hence, you can find forum topics like:

  • Web & Email
  • Networking
  • General Security
  • Virus & Other Malware Removal
  • Business Applications
  • Digital Photography & Imaging
  • Hardware
  • Software Development
  • Operating Systems

And a ton of other topics.

Since the platform's existence, it has over 821K members that created over 9.5M messages and 1.1M threads.




Tech Support Guy forums have over 821K followers.




The members of the Tech Support Guy community upload at least five posts per day.


Recommended Reason


It's a great platform to find quality tech support about various tech gadgets from more experienced experts.


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13. Computer Hardware Engineer-- iLounge Forums






About Forum +Follow


Are there any Apple lovers in the house? Well, not the fruit—per Se, but the tech company.

iLounge is the perfect community for die-hard followers of Apple products.

After all, it's target audience is Apple gadget users.

But there's more.

There are also software-based topics on this forum related to Apple. For example, their apps, media content, and iTunes. 

Other topics you'll find on the forum are:

  • iOS Games
  • iTunes music
  • video

Sadly, you may not gain much from this forum if you don't use an Apple product.




iLounge forums have over 132K members.




Members of iLounge publish a minimum of 2 posts every day.


Recommended Reason


iLounge is the perfect platform to find quality discussions about Apple products and connect with other Apple users.


14. Computer Hardware Engineer-- Techweez Forums






About Forum +Follow


Techweez forums is a leading community for discussions. Its members come to discuss everything related to tech. The platform has 1.3K topics, 23.1K posts, 1.2K users, and over 10K likes.

Techweez has an admin (Martin Gicheru). The platform has about five moderators as well. They are responsible for the forum.

Since it’s a civilized place for public discussions, rules guide the platform.

One of the rules is providing reasoned counter-arguments. In other words, you can't insult any member on the platform.

The platform also offers tools. The tools help the community identify contributions (best or worst). 

Example of the tools are:

  • Replies
  • Flags
  • Favorites
  • Edits
  • Bookmarks
  • Likes




The platform—Techweez has 1.2K followers.




Techweez forums publish at least two posts in a day.


Recommended Reason


It’s a leading platform for tech discussions. And it has tools that can improve your experience on the forum.


15. Computer Hardware Engineer-- TechEnclave






About Forum +Follow


This platform is an Indian Technology forum. And it’s a remarkable forum with excellent guides and tutorials. Its tutorials are about mobile phones, laptops, computer hardware, etc.

You can also get gadget news and reviews on TechEnclave. But, you MUST be at least 13 years old to register on this forum.

What if you want to publish content on the forum?

First off, it's possible. Staff members will review your work. And send it to third-party verification services.

So, it’s ideal to avoid submitting confidential or private content.

No doubt, you’ll retain the copyright when you upload content on this platform. But, the forum also has an unlimited license to publish your piece. Or re-publish your content.

TechEnclave has 173.2K threads, 2.1M messages, and 64.1K members.




TechEnclave has 64.1K followers.




TechEnclave publishes about 13 posts a day.


Recommended Reason


TechEnclave has thorough guides and tutorials. And it covers computer hardware, mobile phones, etc. The forum allows you to publish your content on their platform.


16. Computer Hardware Engineer-- Emerging Technology






About Forum +Follow


Do you plan to connect with many emerging tech enthusiasts around the world? Then, you should join the Emerging Technology forum.

According to the forum, the platform is for bleeding-edge tech enthusiasts.

The forum discusses the future of cutting edge technologies.

Examples of this kind of technology include:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Virtual reality
  • Blockchain
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Drone technology
  • 3D printing
  • Augmented reality

The rules of this forum are similar to TechEnclave. So, you must be at least 13 years old to register for their service. And you can submit your content. But, staff members will review your piece. Then, pass it through a third-party verification service.

The platform can also modify your piece. Or remove any content you submit at any time.

The Emerging Technology forum has 1.4K threads. They also have 2.9K posts/comments, 202 unanswered questions, and 881 members.




Emerging Technology has 881 followers.




The Emerging Technology forum publishes at least five posts a day.


Recommended Reason


The Emerging Technology forum is a civilized place. They discuss the future of cutting edge technology.


17. Computer Hardware Engineer-- Bleeping Computer






About Forum +Follow


Bleeping Computer is a forum you can rely on for two things. They are information security and technology. On the platform, you’ll learn about various things like:

The latest technology news

Ways to use your computer more efficiently.

  • The latest security threats
  • Ways to stay protected online.
  • The forum also provides a wide array of things like:
  • Free self-education tools
  • Technical support services
  • Downloads 

These resources will help you to resolve issues on your computer.

What if you’re a novice user? And you want to learn basic concepts about computers?

The forum has custom solutions you can use. 

Plus, you can also discuss your issues with other peers. 

Advanced users aren’t left out. There’s a custom solution available for them, and it’s free.

Bleeping Computer has published 4.8M posts since it started.




Bleeping Computer has 843K members.




Bleeping Computer publishes at least one post in a day.


Recommended Reason


It’s a free community. The forum allows you to register an account. With that, you can subscribe to topics and forums. And the platform is SUPER simple to use.


18. Computer Hardware Engineer-- TUX Forums






About Forum +Follow


Tux Forums is for discussions about computers and technology. On the platform, you can ask technical support questions about things like:

  • Computer help
  • Security

But that’s not all.

You can register as an Elite member. With this, you get an advert-free experience and unlock more features.

The platform charges a cheap monthly fee for Elite accounts. It helps them maintain their server and keep the community running smoothly. Plus, you can choose to join the forum to appreciate their work.

The features that are available on the Elite membership include:

  • +250 Bonus Trophies
  • Adding more than two users in conversations
  • Username styling
  • Only one static advert
  • More rating options
  • Access to premium resources

Tux forums have 709 threads and 2.4K messages. It also has 54 unanswered questions and 13 answered questions.




Tux forums have 1.4K followers.




The Tux forum publishes at least one post in a week.


Recommended Reason


The platform is simple to navigate. And it has useful resources relating to computers and technology.


19. Computer Hardware Engineer-- OnlyTech






About Forum +Follow


This forum is an Indian Technology discussion community. It's also a Telecom forum for tech enthusiasts.

On the OnlyTech forum, you’ll find discussions on mobile devices. You'll find other threads on things like:

  • Broadband
  • Analyzing trends in Telecom
  • Electronics
  • Technology industries.

The forum has six categories: 

  • Technology
  • OTT & Streaming services
  • Resources
  • The marketplace
  • The lounge.

In the Technology space, you’ll find topics relating to:

  • Science & technology
  • Telecom services
  • Computer & hardware
  • Gaming & consoles, etc.

Their OTT & Streaming service category has topics. The subjects relate to:

  • Digital streaming content
  • OTT services & gadgets
  • Web series & movies.

The resource category revolves around the following:

  • Buying guides
  • Member reviews
  • Tips & tricks, etc.

The marketplace is for the following:

  • Online shopping discussions
  • Buy/sell devices
  • Shopping deals

The lounge is for things like:

  • General topics
  • Sports
  • OnlyTech article discussions
  • Social chat
  • In contrast, the control panel is for news and announcements.




OnlyTech forum has 30.6K followers.




The forum publishes at least ten posts per day.


Recommended Reason


The only tech forum is a fantastic resource. It has information on anything related to tech and Telecoms.


20. Computer Hardware Engineer-- All About Circuits






About Forum +Follow


All About Circuits forum is a community of engineers. It's a platform where they come together to share expertise.

The platform offers resources. It also facilitates discussion.

The forum is for Electronic engineers. And it provides real-world solutions to the challenges they face.

So, if you're looking for the following:

  • A muse for your next design
  • Figuring out Verilog
  • Learning RF design
  • Honing your PCB layout skills
  • Learning RF design
  • You won't get disappointed.
  • Plus, the forum is a home for technical tools, news, and information.

The forum has five categories: 

  • Community
  • Education
  • Hardware design
  • Embedded & programming
  • Datasheets & parts.

And the community category has the following:

  • Feedback & suggestions
  • Jobs & career advising
  • The Marketplace
  • Off-topics
  • Education has resources on:
  • Homework help
  • General science
  • Physics
  • Math

Hardware design has 11 subcategories:

  • Sensor design & implementation
  • Test & measurement
  • Wireless & RF design
  • Power electronics
  • PCB layout & EDA
  • IC design
  • Field Programmable Gate Array
  • Digital design
  • The other categories are:
  • Automation
  • Robotics & control
  • Analog & mixed-signal design
  • General electronics chat

The Embedded & programming sub-forum has the following:

  • Software & IDEs
  • Programming & languages
  • Machine learning,
  • AI & Neural Networks
  • Datasheets & parts consist of:
  • Technical repair
  • Datasheets
  • Manuals
  • Parts identification




All About Circuits has 626K members.




The forum publishes seven posts in a day.


Recommended Reason


All About Circuit forum has a wealth of resources. And engineers will find it useful.


21. Computer Hardware Engineer-- Seaboard






About Forum +Follow


Are you interested in a global electronic discussion forum? Then, Seaboard is the place to be.

The forum focuses on discussions related to EDA. And they are as follows:

  • Network
  • Analog design
  • PCB
  • Pld
  • Theory
  • Papers
  • Software
  • Schematics
  • Circuits
  • Analog design
  • 8051
  • DSP
  • RF
  • Service manuals

And the forum has well-organized topics on the platform. This makes it easy to read posts under a particular topic.

If you need resources for science, you won't get disappointed. You’ll find the following topics like:

  • Mathematics 
  • Physics, Heuristic
  • Machine learning and AI topics on the forum

What if you’re job hunting?

You can view job openings in the EDA jobs section. And you can find it in the Classifieds category.

Registration is free on this forum.




Seaboard forum has 581K followers.




Seaboard publishes at least two posts in a day.


Recommended Reason


Registration on this forum is free. And it has adequate information on its product. So, it's ideal for elementary and advanced users.


22. Computer Hardware Engineer-- Electronics Point






About Forum +Follow 


A young engineer located in the UK founded Electronics Point. And his hard work over the last decade has helped.  The platform has become a community where members do the following:



Discuss electronics topics

The forum's team promotes the community via:

Community research

Technology commentary

Interviews with engineers who design the future

But that’s not all.

The forum aims to explore various topics like:

Consumer products


Upcoming components

It also helps to assess the industry's pending progress. And it's an area that affects every hardware engineer.

The forum also wants to reveal the people behind it. That way, users can understand their habits and life better.

In other words, the forum is the ideal place to get fresh ideas.  And a place to get help with challenging projects.




Electronics Point has 1.13M followers.




Electronics point uploads at least one post a day.


Recommended Reason


The forum is a great place to get fresh ideas. And you can get help with complicated projects.

23.Computer Hardware Engineer-- Electronics and Electrical Engineering Design Forum






About Forum


EEEDF is a go-to resource for electronic design tool users.

The forum provides a suite of:

Free design

Analysis tools


And it’s the home for novice and experienced designers. And these folks come to share tips, ask and answer questions.

The forum is interactive with the following:

Library of projects

Multiple discussion threads

A ton of articles on techniques



Design tools


You can access other sections like:

Product news & highlight

The above section provides the latest news in the tech world.

If you’re looking for precise topics, you can browse the forum.




Electronics and Electrical Engineering Design has 9.9K followers.




The platform publishes at least one post in a day.


Recommended Reason


The platform targets a global technical audience like:




And there are loads of information on design tools.


24. Computer Hardware Engineer-- Reddit / ECE






About Forum +Follow 


Reddit is a popular forum. Its Electrical and Computer Engineering forum doesn’t fall short. The forum has a unique tag line that says it all. It's a place for electrifying discussions.

You’ll find useful information relating to ECE. You'll find things like:

Tips on succeeding in an ECE major 

A resume review for CompE seniors

You can sign up for free or the premium version. The Reddit Premium comes with unique benefits. Plus, an ad-free experience—with 700 coins every month (it costs $5.99/month).




Reddit/ECE has 89.1K followers.




The Reddit/ECE forum publishes at least five posts per day.


Recommended reason


Reddit/ECE is easy to navigate. And it’s open to every skill level.


25. Computer Hardware Engineer-- Electro Tech Online






About Forum +Follow


Electro Tech Online is an exciting forum. On the platform, you’ll find different categories. Each category is related to electronics.

You can decide to join any of the following sections on the forum:

The general electronics chat

Electronic projects


Circuit simulation

IoT section 

That’s not all.

You can also access other sections like:

Jobs & careers

Homework help

The Buy, Sell, and Trade

In the Homework help sections, you can ask questions. Your questions can relate to electronic courses or exams.

The Buy, Sell, and Trade is for traders. In this segment, you can trade electronic bits.




Electro Tech Online has 211.9K followers.




Electro Tech Online forum publishes at least three posts in a day.


Recommended Reason


You’ll find useful resources relating to electronics. And you can do other things on the forum like: 

Access job openings 


Get homework, help, etc.


26. Hardware Engineer-- SparkFun






About Forum +Follow 


SparkFun forum is where you can inquire about a specific product. And you’ll find a lively debate in the product questions thread. You can share the experience of your recent invention in the projects section.

But you must register on the platform. Then, you'll gain access to some resources. And before you register, you have to be familiar with two things. They are the forum’s policies and terms of use.

What if you have questions about the SparkFun forum? You can head to their FAQ section.




Not available.




SparkFun publishes at least three posts in a day.


Recommended Reason


The forum is easy to navigate, and you can share your experience on the platform.


27. Hardware Engineer-- Red Pitaya Forum






About Forum +Follow 


Red Pitaya Forum has three major sections: 

About Red Pitaya



In the About Red Pitaya section, you’ll find resources. The resources focus on software and hardware & components. This section also has “what are you doing today.” it allows you to share information about what you’re up to with others.

In the projects section, you can discuss the following:

How your experiment is going

New ideas

Ongoing projects

You can talk about Red Pitaya in the Off-topic category.




Red Pitaya Forum has 11K followers.




The forum publishes at least six posts in a month.


Recommended Reason


The forum is direct. And it’s easy to access resources on the platform.


Rounding Up


Whether you're any of the following:




Our expert computer hardware engineer

One thing is sure.

Your days of obscurity and confusion are over.

So, what’s the next step? Go through the post and find forums that best fit your tech needs. Some platforms support students, while others may not.

The most crucial thing is: do your due diligence.

This post covers the vital information you need.

So, the world is your oyster.


We'd love to hear your thoughts. Which of the forums do you prefer the most? Are there others you didn't see in this post? Drop your suggestions in the comment section.

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