OurPCB Storage

  • Prototypes and full PC board assembly
  • Over 3,000 happy customers
  • RoHS and lead-free assembly
  • Small quantities available
  • Single-sided, double-sided, or mixed
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To make sure your order will be finished in time and save cost and time in the component purchase, we build the storage system for popular and some of the unpopular components.

We will adjust our storage in type and quantity
based on customers, requests in different procedure. We will try our best to satisfy different customers. If you can make the component selection in the design work based on our storage, then you can save a lot of time and cost in the manufacturing process later, and then improve the speed from design to product.

We provide the following service in the storage system:

  • View different type of components in storage.
  • Get component parameters.
  • Order components exist in storage.
  • Reply the components you need but doesn’t exist in storage.